Hide and Seek

Today I made a hide and seek game on scratch and guess what … it was my third game! To be honest with you this game was probably the easiest game that I have made yet and the fastest, within ten minutes I had made my game. It is a game where some sprites pop up on the screen and you have to click them to get points and they all give out different points and one even gives out minus points and when you click them they say you found me! The bad one sais ha ha tricked you. But I was challenged to think outside the box and make changes that the computer hadn’t told or tort me to do. These changes were to make my game harder and more challenging for the viewer. So I set off on my task, the first thing I decided to add was more sprites, before I had only had one sprite that would come up for quite some time and then go away for a while. So the first thing I changes was to add more sprites that came up then quickly when away I decided to have three sprites. I then thought that it would be more fun to have these sprites come up for different amounts of time and to be worth different amounts of points like the longer the sprite comes up for the less points you get. I made this change to soon find out once I had played the game that the game ended up being too hard to play as the sprites would come up to fast and go away to quickly so I then made the time longer. I tested the game and to my delight it was going at a perfect speed. I thought that my giving of points was too generous so my first change in this category was that the more points you give off when clicked the smaller you are and the second change was to add another sprite but this one wasn’t all good it was so that when you clicked on this one it would minus ten points and this sprite would be big compared to the others and would stay on the screen for a longer period of time. My final changes was to make the sprites the exact same colour and some of the surroundings so that you couldn’t see them as well as you would have liked. When I started to make the game I felt very confident as I was making the game very fast and in the middle I felt a bit evil as I was making the game harder for people to play and at the end I felt happy that I had made a game that had been successful.


My Game Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/163675416/

Google.com.au. (2017). mad near the top of a mountain – Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=mad+near+the+top+of+a+mountain&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjp6c_I-53UAhWJppQKHXowA5IQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=803#tbm=isch&q=person+on+top+of+a+mountain&imgrc=cqdAWeyU6oQ17M: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2017].

A New Game

Today I set out to make my second game. At first I couldn’t decide what game to make because there were so many to chose from and I was very excited, but in the end I chose the ping pong game. It is a game where you have to hit a ball using a cake but the ball bounces all over the place and if the ball touches the danger tape at the bottom of the screen a little message comes up saying “game over” and “click me to start again.” this week one of the main things I learnt was how to add a sprite from the internet in to my game. You do this by first, finding the picture you want to add in then you want to drag it on to your desktop and make it that it has no back round. You then want to go back on to scratch and go on to sprites and press add sprite then you select the picture that you have chosen then you now have your own unique sprite. I had to learn how to do this because on scratch they did not have a sprite for a danger tape. A problem that occurred when I was making my game was that the ball sprite kept on going through the donut instead of bouncing off of it, this made me quite frustrated. I resolved this issue by going back through the tutorial and checking through and making sure that I had done everything that it said and put it in to the right spot and when I found the problem if fixed it how it showed me and my game worked. I now feel happy and relieved that my game is complete and working.

Link to my game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/162329414/


Google.com.au. (2017). stick figure feeling relieved – Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=stick+figure+feeling+relieved&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiz592LlYjUAhVEoZQKHVxfA4YQsAQIJg&biw=1440&bih=803#imgrc=6Nx2zeUKCKRyvM: [Accessed 24 May 2017].

My First Game

Today I completed my first game, It may not seem like a lot but it is a big deal for me. I started off the lesson trying to make a play but then I looked over at my friend and she had a tutorial on the side of her screen telling her what steps to follow to make a game. So then I decided to make a game for my self. I selected to make a catching game where there are things falling and you have to catch them so in my case I had a heart falling and a birthday cake to catch them, and in the top left hand corner there is a counter to see how many you can get. When I thought I had finished and clicked play when ever one heart fell on to the cake you would get 27 points instead of 1. So I tried to figure it out but i just couldn’t. So I asked someone that is quite experienced in scratch to try and help me but even with the two of us we couldn’t get it to work, but luckily she had made the gave previously that had worked so we took a look at the algorithm on her’s and compared it to mine to figure it out and in the end we did. The problem was that I had put an algorithm in the wrong widget but we soon moved it and were happy to find out that it worked. Next time I will try to read the writing more carefully to see which algorithms go in to each widget. At the beginning of the lesson I was a bit confused on how to make a game and a bit nervous and in the middle a bit frustrated when the game didn’t  work but at the end I felt proud to have made a working game.

My game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/161154933/


Reference for photo:

Google.com.au. (2017). stick figure standing proud clipart – Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=stick+figure+standing+proud+clipart&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil8KnAxvbTAhXFl5QKHSGXAAQQsAQIJQ&biw=1440&bih=803#tbm=isch&q=stick+figure+standing+proud+&imgrc=yF2eFBcUbH0sIM: [Accessed 17 May 2017].